Welcome to the December 2022 news update for WARSURGE.
The Kickstarter for the Rulebook and Compendium is well under way. Several stretch goals have been unlocked already, granting extra factions for the Compendium.
At the time of writing this news update, there is only one limited edition leather rulebook remaining. The first early bird has sold out, but there is a smaller second run of that early bird for those who would still like to take advantage of the discount.
The URL for the Kickstarter is here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/threebrothersgrim/warsurge-rulebook
The Italian translation of the Rulebook has begun. This will help bring about the Italian translation of the app as well.
In the app department, we are preparing and testing a new update. It has clarifications and adjustments, which will be in line with the upcoming rulebook. In addition, there are some fixes to Perks that alter Weapon Power and improved processing speeds for Rosters. Units that use AEGIS will also notice a point cost adjustment.
Models in the photo are by Print Minis and Megalith Games. Terrain is from Micro Art Studio. Gaming Mat is by Deep Cut Studio.
Print Minis: https://www.patreon.com/printminis
Megalith Games: http://megalith-games.com/
Micro Art Studio: https://microartstudio.com/
Deep-Cut Studio: http://www.deepcutstudio.com/
Stay tuned for more news!
- Richard