Give it a Try
Would you like to give WARSURGE a try? You can download it for free!
Design or download Unit and Weapon profiles then get to the tabletop.

Step 1: Download WARSURGE App
Available on Android and iOS
The WARSURGE App is your primary tool for creating profiles for Units and Weapons. It's also used for organising your forces for battle.
You can try it for free using the buttons below, or by searching for 'WARSURGE' in your device's app store.

Step 3: Play
Make a Roster using the WARSURGE App
Get into a game using a preset or an army you created with the WARSURGE App, then experience the game in action. There's no expiry time for the free version of the App, so take your time and make some cool profiles!
We believe you'll enjoy the gameplay and want to UNLEASH your entire miniature collection!