Welcome to the October 2023 news update for WARSURGE.
We can happily say that the Kickstarter surveys have been launched – this will collect shipping details of backers so we can send the books that were created from the Kickstarter. The books are currently being printed in English, while the Italian books have been printed and are awaiting shipment (very soon for Italian backers).
We are happy to introduce a new affiliate to WARSURGE: Crucible of Games (CoG). They produce 3D printable miniatures for grimdark sci-fi and other settings. They’re working on a number of projects and have chosen our game system to create original profiles for their miniatures. We warmly welcome them for considering us on their wargaming and business journey, and we hope they enjoy bringing full customization to their range of miniatures and creating missions with the WARSURGE game system. One of their factions is already available as a QR Code which you can download on the WARSURGE App. You can check out Crucible of Games on their social media and website here:
VEA Editori (who translated and brought the WARSURGE rulebook to Italy) were recently at the Empoli Games 2023 convention. There, they displayed a number of games, including WARSURGE. They won an award for having the most active table at the event! They will also be going to Milano Wargames planned for the 26th of November. For readers who live in Italy, you should check out VEA Editori at this event! I’m sure it will be a lot of fun. You can visit VEA Editori’s website here:
The latest WARSURGE update (v1.3.30) has Italian translations for Perks (including Traits and Activations Terms), the Rules Tab (in PLAY) and also the GUIDE area. It is important to note that the Print Roster feature does not yet cover Italian but it is being worked on and planned to be ready in the next update.
The photo for this month contains a sample image of the collector’s edition books from our Rulebook Kickstarter. Only ten copies were offered, so they were a very special pledge option… being of authentic leather and handmade. It wasn’t cheap to produce, but I’d say they’ve come up really well and will look great in the hands of their future owners.
Stay tuned for more news!
- Richard

These books are wonderful. Congratulations on the new affiliate.
So stoked!