Welcome to the January 2024 news update for WARSURGE.
In the app department, we are aware of an issue with performance when there is a high volume of perks and/or weapons to select on a rostered unit. We have some fixes in development. We are also going to introduce some ‘loading’ overlays in some areas of the app to prevent medium to low end phones from crashing the app (or giving an unresponsive message).
While working on the next WARSURGE app update, we have some rules we’d like players to try out. After some feedback, we hope to introduce them into the game:
Cure I/II Perks: We would like players to test this Perk as follows. Cure cannot be used to remove Psychological effects, or any effects caused by the User or friendly Units. For example, Cure cannot be used to remove the effects of Fallback or Morale.
Scaled Minimum Unit Cost: A Unit’s minimum point cost is 5% of the roster/point limit. To calculate this, divide the total points by 20. For example, if the point limit is 500pts, the minimum cost is 25pts per Unit. If the point limit is 1000pts or higher, the minimum cost of each Unit is 50pts (as per usual).
Difficult Ground 2.0: Only apply the slowing effects of Difficult Ground to the Movement distance while inside a Difficult Ground area, not the entire Movement. For example, a Unit with 10” Move and has moved up to Difficult Ground using 4” of its Move. Its remaining 6” instead becomes 3” inside the Difficult Ground.
Regarding the Kickstarter, the books have arrived at our distributor in the US. Once processed they’ll be sent to backers based in America. European based backers should receive their pledges soon if they haven’t already.
We just received our shipment of books in Australia. Backers in Australia/NZ and those who have requested signatures will have their books shipped out from here over the next couple weeks.
Collector’s Edition books are behind schedule and are not expected to be completed until February. Due to the inconvenience, we are going to give all the collector backers a free copy of the original rulebook along with their other rewards, then send the collector’s book as soon as we receive them. We hope to have all of the collector’s version shipped in March.
The STL designer is helping us with fulfillment of the books. When that is completed, he will resume work on the STLs.
The WARSURGE website will soon have an online shop, where we will offer the physical and digital books. This will be handy if you have friends that missed the Kickstarter.
Models in the photo are by Gary Hunt Miniatures and Scibor Miniatures. The gaming mat is by Deep-Cut Studio.
Gary Hunt Miniatures: http://www.garyhuntminiatures.com
Scibor Miniatures: https://www.sciborminiatures.com/
Deep-Cut Studio: http://www.deepcutstudio.com/
Stay tuned for more news!
- Richard