There are updates to both the WARSURGE App (both Android and iOS) and also the the Rulebook PDFs. The details of the patch are below: -WARSURGE App Patch 1.0.23-
Added Roster Lore Tab for adding Lore and Symbol features to a Roster
Various Perk point value updates
Armoury display fixes
+AP I (D3) and +AP II (D6) (Enhancement Perk) bug fixes
+AP I (D3) and +AP II description update
Counter (Limitation Perk) description update
Volatile (Limitation Perk) description update
Loot (Limitation Perk) description update
Challenger (Leadership Perk) added ‘Immediate’
Leader and Bodyguard (Leadership Perk) description update
Heal (Mode) and HP Steal (Enhancement) Perks description update (HP Absorb feature)
Might I and Might II (Offensive Perks) description update
Dread Perk (Affliction) description update
Self-Destruct (Limitation) description update
New term of Wielder added to many Weapon Perks, where an individual using a Weapon is more important than just referring to the Unit as a whole. Refer to Book 2. Perks for more details.
-Rulebooks: v1.01-
Perk Book has received updates from the WARSURGE App
Minor corrections and adjustments have made in the eBooks
Competitive Book has received adjustments in the 10 Steps to start a game, and Capture the Flag (in Missions) has been adjusted.
Perk Book has new terminology of ‘Wielder’, to assist with understanding Weapon Perks
