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August 2024 News

Writer's picture: WARSURGEWARSURGE

Welcome to the August 2024 news update for WARSURGE.

There’s been a delay on the video battle report, as we’ve been preparing for a sudden opening/invite to a convention in Melbourne, and also that I have been quite unwell. That said, we’ve still been getting things moving along. For those in Melbourne (Australia), you can check out our stall at the Conquest Games Market on Saturday 31st of August, from 10am to 5pm. Location is the Coburg Town Hall on 90 Bell Street in Coburg. Entry is free.

In the app department, we have released an update that has tweaked several perks, but no new perks this time (however, check out the Smoke perk later in this news article if you’re keen to test it for us!). If your device doesn’t download the update automatically, you can go to the app store and download it manually.

Here are the changes/fixes to Perks:

Multi Strike and Singular II are now compatible with each other.

Thrust has received a calculation correction. It had 6” intervals in the software rather than 12” which effectively doubled the AEGIS Cost.

Increased the cost of Impenetrable I-IV.

Increased the cost of Durable Armour I-V.

Wildcard has received a small clarification to leave the Weapon profile as Heavy.

Negate AEGIS has received a calculation fix.

Melee Haze and Melee Hesitation have received a calculation fix.

Other changes/fixes:

Fixed an issue where Perks with a bracketed cost which are removed did not display properly in calculations.

Importing a Weapon to a Unit and with no other changes now prompts a reminder that the changes are unsaved.

The Journal now has ‘Campaign’ as an option for Game Type.

A background image in the Settings area has been fixed.

Of significance in the update is an increase to the number of profiles that can be made in the free app. The changes are:

Units in each Faction = 7

Weapons in each Armoury = 10

Weapons per Unit = Unlimited

Rosters = Unlimited

Units per Roster = Unlimited

QR Scan = Limited*

Data Transfer = Limited**

*QR Scan/Premade for Factions only available until three factions limit has been reached

**Backup Tab is fully enabled

Though most players have no issues with updates, we recommend that players do a backup and keep their code handy just in case.

We are working on a new ‘Smoke’ perk and looking for players to test and provide feedback, which we have also put in the rules-test-area on Discord. Smoke is a tactical perk and requires a mode perk such as Blast or Explode. When testing the perk on a weapon, manually double the point value of the weapon and +20pts onto it, and refer to this description:



The Weapon requires one of the following Mode Perks of any rank: Blast, Cone, Explode, Nova or Wall. In addition to the Mode Perk, the Weapon may also take Residue or Vortex.

After resolving this Weapon’s Attack Sequence, place a marker at the centre of the Mode template that was used. The area where the Mode template was used causes a -2 Dice Modifier to Weapons that are Targeting into, out of or through the area. Weapons used inside the template area that Target another Unit also inside the area are unaffected. This lasts for the current Game Turn, unless Vortex or Residue are taken, which will continue Smoke’s effect.

Units engaged in a Melee are unaffected by Smoke.


The Intermediate rules are available in both dark and print friendly schemes in the ‘free rules’ section of the website. This was unlocked in the Kickstarter but they are now available for everyone in English.

The next STL model ‘Kara’ is available for download from MyMiniFactory. Existing backers should already have it available in their library. The next models being worked on are Peacekeepers. We hope for these to be available in September.

The new Kara STL is the featured image this month.

Stay tuned for more news!

- Richard

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